Brain Training

While most people are familiar with exercise that works to improve muscle tone, so too are their exercises used to train the brain. For those who have degenerative diseases such as dementia or have suffered from a brain injury or stroke, there are methods available to help people regain the neuroplasticity which improves the cognitive ability of the brain.

How It Works

These are not brain games that you might find on the internet. Instead, this is one-on-one training which is designed to improve cognitive function. When you play games on the internet, your brain is only interactive with a device. The formal brain training engages the senses and the brain in a manner which is natural, effective, and produces real results.

Goal: The purpose of brain training is not to master a set of skills, but rather to use different skills to help expand your cognitive abilities. By taking a generalized approach when using different skillsets, you can open up your mind to improvement. So, this is not just about intelligence, but better memory, solving issues faster, and an overall boost in the capacity for learning.

Different Starting Points: The first step in this form of training is where to start. The most obvious course of action is an evaluation to know where the subject is at. However, many brain training programs start at one level and then move up or down depending on the person. So, while people may progress at different rates, they are progressing to a program that is designed for their needs.

Variations: Just like cross training helps improve conditioning by changing up workout routines, so too does varying brain training techniques to help open up the mind. By facing new, unexpected challenges, the brain becomes sharper and better able to handle new experiences. This is because intelligence does not consist of a single skill, but multiple skills that are used to varying degrees.

Who is Brain Training For?

The answer is pretty much anyone who wants to improve their cognitive skills, but it is mostly aimed at those who suffer from conditions, injuries, or diseases of the brain. The training is varied and customized to the individual. That means what type of brain training applies to one person will be different than the next. This is also true in terms of the pace of the training itself, which fits how the person reacts and improves over time.

With commercial programs designed for consumer use, playing simple games can be misleading in terms of their effect on the brain. In other words, you may improve at a particular game, but that does not mean you are improving your overall cognitive abilities. That’s where a one-on-one training program comes into play, offering an effective way to exercise the brain, so that the cognitive ability to improve.

While brain training cannot reverse the damage caused by degenerative diseases, stroke, or injury, it can lead to improving cognitive skills that allow for renewed learning which is vital for a healthy brain.

Customized Plans Based on Your Needs

Every individual is different and therefore not every recovery plan is equal. Contact me to discuss where you are and where you hope to be in the future. Based on this, we will develop a tailored solution designed to meet your goals in the fastest time possible.

How could you benefit from making a full recovery?

I’m here to tell you it is possible and together we can achieve it. To learn more, let’s discuss your specific situation.

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