What is Postural Neurology

Your posture is more than just how you sit and stand, it is about your mental and physical state. Just as your mental state affects your posture, so too does your posture affect your mental state. By engaging in good posture, you can help improve your overall outlook.

Unfortunately, too many people overlook the positive aspects of proper posture. This is especially true in taking care of their physical and mental health. All too often, a person may focus on one aspect of their state of being while ignoring the rest. The truth is that your mind and body are one, which means that to improve your overall health and wellness, you need to address both. This is where Postural Neurology helps in your daily life.

How Postural Neurology Works

The science of postural neurology goes back thousands of years. At the time, it was part of the treatment for certain illnesses. Today, postural neurology has morphed into a science which can help illustrate the state of the brain through physical condition of the body. In other words, your posture and body movements reflect your state of wellness and health.

By engaging your body in movement, and challenges you can make positive changes to your mental state. This means that your mental and physical outlook will benefit when you engage in proper posture when sitting, standing, jogging, and running. Your body will function at peak efficiency when you correct your posture and your mind will be more in tune with your physical state of being.

The trick is achieving the right balance of physical and mental challenges to keep the body and mind in peak condition. Through posture neurology, the balance can be met which improves the mental and physical state of the person.

Engaging the Mind and Body

Around the world, millions of people engage in online, video, and computer games. Such traditional online or computer games have a positive, if limited effect on engaging the brain. This is because your mind seeks more than the challenges provided by computer games. There is social interaction, the stimulation of the senses, being creative, and taking a novel approach to challenges which promotes the healthy connection between the brain and body.

However, when engaging with the proper techniques of posture neurology, the experience will vary in a positive manner. By combining brain games with personal training, you get the full effect of an improved posture, better mental outlook, and bolstered physical health as well. When using this program, you can play computer games that stimulate the mind, but they are combined with physical activity that also engages your brain.

The result is having an improved physical and mental state that feed off each other. The better you can engage your body in healthy exercise, such as walking, aerobics, resistance, and other methods, the more you can improve your mental state of being. The reverse is true as well, as your brain takes on the mental challenges provided by the games to react quicker and broaden the base of thinking for better function.

Customized Plans Based on Your Needs

Every individual is different and therefore not every recovery plan is equal. Contact me to discuss where you are and where you hope to be in the future. Based on this, we will develop a tailored solution designed to meet your goals in the fastest time possible.

How could you benefit from making a full recovery?

I’m here to tell you it is possible and together we can achieve it. To learn more, let’s discuss your specific situation.

Breathe Walk Live LLC, DBA Up Level Brain Body is/are not a licensed medical doctor(s) or mental health counselor(s). We do not treat, cure or diagnose or claim to. Information provided on this site, or any other form of communication, is not to be used to replace medical advice. If you feel that you have a medical issue, you should seek the advice of your Physician or health care provider. The FDA has not approved any statements on this site. This website is provided for informational purposes only, and no information on this site is to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. By continuing to browse this website, or by receiving services, you agree to this disclaimer.