What’s Posture Got to Do with It?

Your brain maintains a constant contact with how your body is interacting with the environment. The breeze that flows around you, the impact of your feet on the ground, picking up objects, turning to greet a friend, and so forth. How you interact with the environment around you is constantly being monitored by your brain. This includes how we stand, walk, run, and sit. Good posture provides the right position for the mechanics of the body to work at their greatest efficiency. It also exudes the inner being in terms of being confident, concerned, and even being afraid.

Spending day after day with poor posture quickly becomes a habit that may be difficult to break. Hunching over a computer screen all day is not only bad for the back, but it also inhibits the internal organs located along the torso. Hunching causes contraction which means that the organs in the chest and stomach areas will suffer the most. Your lungs cannot fully fill with air and your stomach will feel the pressure as well.

How Poor Posture Affects Your Attitude

Consider what happens when you hunch for hours at the computer screen. The act of hunching provides false signals to the brain of our mood, our state of being. A hunched position indicates a state of hiding something, of being overly protective and not wanting others to know your current condition. Keep in mind that your body reacts to your brain when you are angry, concerned, happy, or sad. The reverse is true as well when your body takes on positions that affects your brain.

Poor posture that mimics being sad, angry, or hurt may produce feelings along those lines even if the positioning of the body is due to other reasons. If you hunch all day at the computer, your mental state will be affected just like the mechanics of your body is affected. However, just as poor posture creates negative effects on the mind, so too does having good posture create positive effects.

How to Use Posture to in a Positive Manner

You may have noticed your boss or perhaps successful people you see on TV take on what is known as the power stance. A power stance is one that exudes confidence and not only affects the person in the stance, but those who see the person standing in that manner. It may sound a little silly to stay that if you stand with confidence, you will be confident. But the truth is that if you exude confidence in the power stance, the people around you will see and note it.

Good posture is not only helpful to the proper mechanics of the body, but it also can help you feel more confident, happy, and positive. Good posture promotes a more confidence you which in turn has positive effects on the mind as well as the body. Adapting good posture techniques, such as sitting upright instead of hunched over the computer screen will not only improve your back and open up the lungs, you will feel better as well.

Customized Plans Based on Your Needs

Every individual is different and therefore not every recovery plan is equal. Contact me to discuss where you are and where you hope to be in the future. Based on this, we will develop a tailored solution designed to meet your goals in the fastest time possible.

How could you benefit from making a full recovery?

I’m here to tell you it is possible and together we can achieve it. To learn more, let’s discuss your specific situation.

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